I always wonder how people build apps. What kind of tools and where to start? And then I found Flutter which I want to give it a try. I will try to make it simple and clean for the installation and if there is something wrong feels free to message me.
🤳🏻 Step 1: Android Studio w Emulator
First please download Android Studio
Then click on AVD Manager and Create a Virtual Device
You can choose yours but in this case, I choose Pixel 3 :)
You can try play with this but I always stick to Android 9.0
Then just click Next until your virtual device is ready.
🤳🏻 Step 2: Flutter
Second, please download flutter.
Extract the file that you download and put it inside C Drive
After that make sure the PATH is being set up like this.
🤳🏻 Step 3: Visual Studio Code
Please download Visual Studio Code and follow the steps below
After download and install please make sure that you have this extension installed on your VSC
🤳🏻 Step 4: Dart SDK
Please download Dart SDK to make sure we can create and run flutter apps successfully
Download x64 architecture
Then create a new folder name as Dart inside Program Files and put the folder inside that newly created folder.
C:\Program Files\Dart
After that make sure the PATH is being set up like this.
🚀First Project with Flutter!!!
Okay! Supposedly it should be working right now. So let's try to check using Visual Studio Code the version of our flutter.
flutter --version
Let's try to upgrade our flutter if its not the updated one.
flutter upgrade
Okay, let's check flutter using its doctor haha.
flutter doctor
Okay right now let's try to create our first simple project.
flutter create first_project
So supposedly it should like the above figure. Right now go back to AVD Manager and start our virtual device. After that let's try to run the application and make sure you are inside the same directory with pubspec.yaml file.
flutter run
So now you can start to make your first mobile application using Flutter! Enjoy and have fun with flutter :) In case you wonder what theme I use for my visual studio code is it's from HackTheBox and I will put it in the references.
If there is any suggestion please tell me or if there is something that I can improve also please do tell me. Hope this writeup help anyone and let’s learn together :)